Posts tagged ohio
Down on Once Luck - Homeless Story [multimedia]

Homeless in Ohio from Sonya Paclob on Vimeo.

Can't stand the cold? Imagine living under highways and sleeping out on a rock with no where to go. James Hammound was once homeless on the streets of Columbus, Ohio for two years. Health and wellbeing was James' sign to live off the streets and dedicate his life to serving other who are still braving the cold weather.

In volunteering at the Open Shelter, his duty is to bring a smile to everyone around him. He dances, talks, and even councils them to be better in getting off the streets. He hopes that other people could see the homeless are also people who are down on their luck and need a helping hand. 


How do you find a subject that is a little out of your comfort zone? The Homeless in Ohio was an optional group project spear headed by Stan Alost, Associate Director of Visual Communication at Ohio University who taught the Photojournalism capstone class for undergraduates.

In working it teams, its always difficult to work with someone who doesn't have the same workflow. Matt Hatcher was someone I admire of his work on drug addicted stories. His determination in seeking individuals in trouble times wanted me to work with him. I am known for my work to be about relationships and family.

At the end of the project, I became more humble. I was hesitant at first to place myself with people who were homeless. Not knowing their behavior, but they are the same of you and I. The difference is that they "are down on their luck," said James Hammound.















The multimedia project was a mixture of video, photography, and text. Usually, I am not a fan of text, but The Homeless in Ohio was perfect in getting the information across. Not fitting the standard rule-of-thirds, I experimented in placing the text as print on a page. It gave the video more modern flare. 

Working in teams and collaborating is the best way to understand your strengths and weakness. If you find yourself in teams, always try to strive for something you are not good at. Matt Hatcher wanted to try his hands on video. On the other hand, I wanted to spend more time with developing story with audio and transcribing. 

Rancher Who Cattle's Guitars

I assisted Andie Walla Productions several times at Furpeace Ranch, guitar camp and musical hall in Pomoroy, Ohio. She gives a chance to film the show for Furpeace youtube channel. This time, I became photographer for Steve Kimock, George Porter Jr. and Bernie Worrell show. Overall, this was the best experience in filming and photographing concert halls. All the shows were all sold out and it was a once in a life time opportunity to go back stage and talk with the musicians. Here are some photographs that were part of the end multimedia piece for the youtube and some backstage access. If you have a chance, buy the tickets now for 2013... they sell out quick! 

Cherishing The Present: Preparations

The preparations for the baby is unfolding at the household of Darrin and Cristine. The arrival of Cristine's father, Danny, and mother, Jemima, has arrived from Maryland barring bins of gifts from family and friends. The anticipation for the baby girl is mounting and the child's name has yet to be revealed until the birth. 

Jemima, mother of Cristine, goes to her knees and starts to talk to her granddaughter, "Hello! It has been awhile. I can't wait to see you!" said Jemima.

Alphabet cards are placed above the crib. The name of the baby girl will be reveal when she is born.  


Darrin and Danny, father of Cristine, carry bins of clothing and gifts from family and friends from home to the living room. 

The three generations are a moment of touch. Cristine and Jemima place their hands the belly together to feel the unborn child move.