Do you know where your money is going? Are you living off of ramen noodles and cold pizza to pay off those bills? Need money to buy expensive textbooks? Want to learn more about how to save money? Check this out. My 2 Cents is a series highlighting Ohio University students on how they manage their expenses.
Using an electric dryer is what most students use to do their laundry. However, senior psychology student CC Ruchti hangs her clothes out to dry in her hallway to conserve. It's important for Ruchti to save her money to achieve her independency as a young adult.
How do you save your money? If you are an Ohio University student and would like to share your story on how you save money, leave a comment.
Videographer | Editor | Producer
Sonya Paclob Photojournalism, Undergraduate Student
Graphic designer
Brandon Boston - Graphic Design Undergraduate student
Finally! my episode is up and running for Ohio University. I'm very pleased about my first episodes ever! I pitched My 2 Cents as an idea to get college students thinking about their money. College is expensive and living away from the Dorm does not help with the financial situation. I'm working on my second episode which will go live on February 19th. Stay tune!