Posts in education and workshops
Inspiring teen journalists video storytelling
Sonya Paclob and Jason Plotkin, multimedia journalists at the York Daily Record / Sunday News (Pa) teach inspiring journalist video storytelling with roller derby team.

Top notch photojournalist Jason Plotkin and I collaborated on teaching teens video storytelling. The teens are part of a program called Teen Takeover at the York Daily Record / Sunday News Pa. The program is to teach teens the ropes of print and magazine writing.

Plotkin had the idea to take some who are willing to learn video.  

Kiah and Haley shoot low to the ground as roller derby team practice around them. Photo by Sonya Paclob

Kiah and Haley shoot low to the ground as roller derby team practice around them. Photo by Sonya Paclob

Haley and Kiah are both seniors at Spring Grover High School. This was the first time holding a video camera and I'm proud of them for being curious about the medium. 

We took them to a roller derby rink, the perfect place to get action on camera. 

Plotkin gives them a piece of advice, get close to your subject, "just make sure you don't get punch in the nose."

Jason Plotkin, York Daily Record photojournalist, takes notes do derby woman squatting in skates. 

Jason Plotkin, York Daily Record photojournalist, takes notes do derby woman squatting in skates. 

The tutorial was only for two days for an hour or two at the roller rink in Pa. It was fun teaching a new wave of inspiring journalist. 

We taught them how to shoot from various angles, conduct interviews, listening to audio, use a GoPro and be aware of your surroundings. 

What did you like about the video?

Derby woman wears GoPro on her chest during practice. 

Derby woman wears GoPro on her chest during practice. 

Presenting quotes beautifully online

HTML Tags: Placing “Quotes” online
Presentation in print should also be treated in online articles.

Here is an example I did for one of the popular stories on the York Daily Record website, Hopewell Township woman and her berry farm.

As you can see, the website has a more of a layered look. It also separates the story. Below are tags that you can copy and paste into dashboard for your site.

Adding layers like quotes to the story on York Daily Record website. 

Adding layers like quotes to the story on York Daily Record website. 

example: Woman trades office work to run pick-your-own berry farm

Example of html tag:

  <p><h2><i>"I just spent a lot of time in prayer. I took a leap of faith."</i></h2></p>
  <p>- Sarah Blevins, S.J. Blevins Berries</p>

Another example of html tag:

  <p><h2><i>Raspberries are popular, but they have a remarkably short shelf life.</i></h2></p>
  <p>- Steve Bogash, Cooperative Extension horticulture educator</p>

blockquotes slightly indents and added a grey vertical bar. You can also add hyperlinks and change the colors. 

Related training and citations:


BTS: Goodbye Final Cut, Hello Adobe Premiere

I'm saying goodbye Final Cut Pro 7 and moving on Adobe Premiere. Also, critical look into developing the video and story. 

Screen Grab of finished documentary "Comics in Education"

Screen Grab of finished documentary "Comics in Education"

I've used Final Cut Pro 7 as a major part of my workflow for seven years (the irony) and I FINALLY made the switch. Why? Because technology and tools are changing and I needed a new challenge.

The "Comics in Education" documentary is brief look into the community during Free Comic Book Day and the positive benefits in reading one for all ages. It was part of a larger body of research that included photos and a story for print newspaper.

Party with Batman, Ghostbusters and York County residents at comic book stores as they celebrate Free Comic Book Day, an annual event on the first Saturday of May. York County educators express positive benefits in reading graphic novels for all ages. Published with the York Daily Record / Sunday News w/ story and photos: Music By DoKashiteru "Music Tonight"

I will be honest, this was my first time opening Adobe Premiere Pro and working on a longer video. I quickly gained a few knowledge of where keyboard shortcuts were and the use of the timeline. It was almost the same at Final Cut Pro 7. And I also had some training in Adobe Premiere Elements. 

It was not too foreign to me. By the time I was done with the video, it wad clear I had to move onto a better Video editing software. 

PROS & CONS w. Adobe Premiere Pro:

- Format to .mp4 or .mov
- Do not have to compress video files
- Sub clipping made w/ keyboard shortcut
- Edit audio tracks in multiple layers
- Closing gaps in timeline w/ out misplacing audio or video
- Text titles easily edited and more range of options
- Looks like a mini version of Adobe After Effects

- can not repair clipped videos (still doing research) 

What work, what didn't work

The newspaper daily grind is a difficult. Their are some set backs in trying to be everything when time is tight and when people are too busy with their own work. It took about a month and 2 weeks to produce the video, research, story and photos. 

I wish I had two others to help with motion graphics, post production and sound recording. I thought the video needed more attention to color and a steadier shooting capabilities, but I could not let the work set out too long after Free Comic Book Day, which happened Saturday, May 3. It was a great learning experience for myself in both research about the topic and time management.

See story and photos of Comics Educates All at York Daily Record / Sunday News

My most favorite part is meeting Dave Kot, co-founder of Autism At Face Value who created a super hero with Autism in a comic book. 

I had a clip of him saying he was autistic, but I left that piece out of the documentary. I felt the work as a whole won't support his confession. I want people to focus about the work he has done than being autistic. I want people to come up with their own conclusion and actually read the book. Find out on their own terms. 

He said this to me, "I'm autistic, but I'm also a bald, a left hander and wear glasses. I want people to judge me on this traits than just being autistic."