Blackbeard Pirate Festival
Blackbeard Pirate Festival for the Daily Press. Ahoo and RRRR! Hampton has been invaded by pirates this weekend. I got a chance to meet the founder of International Talk Like a Pirate Day and saw great costumes. It's considered one of the best pirate festival in the US, according to 2015 USA Today.
From left, Living historians Barnabee Wylde of Virginia Beach, Paul Schubert of Virginia Beach and Rusty O'Toole of Gatesville in North Carolina, work together to making rope at the the Blackbeard Pirate Festival, Hampton, Saturday, June 4, 2016. (Sonya Paclob / Special to the Daily Press)
Lenny Temple of Moyock, North Carolina takes a picture with his disposable camera during the Blackbeard Pirate Festival, Hampton, Saturday, June 4, 2016. (Sonya Paclob / Special to the Daily Press)
From left, Hampton residents Gene Sutter, Julie Sutter lets owner Laura Arnette of Cover dem Bones pets the Sutter's parrots Tattoo, Skittles and Maxwell at the Blackbeard Pirate Festival, Hampton, Saturday, June 4, 2016. (Sonya Paclob / Special to the Daily Press)