Geek Out: Google Maps lets you be Pokemon Master
I guess I'm not going to be hired by Google. I was not able to collect all the Pokemon. However, I know my 10-year-old self would be freaking out right now. I'm glad simple games can give the best pleasures in life.
Check out what others at the York Daily Record facebook said about the April Fools game:
Do you ever want to be a Pokemon Master? You can start catching Pokemon on your tablet or smart phone.
Google has created a fun activity for fans and all ages to catch Pokemon for April Fools according to The Verge.
It took me awhile to understand the maniacs of the game. It is simple and effortless. You don't even have to fight them.
After you hit start adventure on the app, you are directed toCERN (Centre europeen pour la recherche nucleaire) in Geneva. You can catch up to 150 Pokemon.
According to the youtube video by Google, you have until April 2nd to catch them all. Well, I a few hundreds of Pokemon to catch.
The April Fools game by Google and probably Nintendo did this to bring life back into die hard fans. I myself found it entertaining and educational. What better way to explore a real place with a a purpose.
The best prank ever.
My friend and I had a conversation about the new discovery: