Semi Bad Catholic: These are my confessions

Catholics go to church because they want to be closer to God.

Well, that is not true for me.


I'm not the best Catholic in world. 

I admit it. I don't go to church every week. I don't always donate money. Every time the collection basket comes around, I scramble in my wallet. Pulling out 49 cents in change.

I guess God would be cool with that. 

However, going to church brings me closer to my mom. Yes, it's another sappy story about my Mom. I would rather be sappy, than not have these stories of my life untold. 

Church is not the establishment, but the foundation she has built around herself and I.

Thanksgiving weekend was a time to honor her faith and her new home. 

I went home for Thanksgiving weekend after my shift from work. I spent five hours on the road and I came home to a half eaten fish. That is my Turkey. 


Thanksgiving night was shared with a few family and friends. 


It didn't matter. Thanksgiving is not a big deal. 

The big deal is my mom's house warming party. And my mom threw one heavenly party with every Filipino food imaginable.

But before a big feast, she has to bless her house with her church entourage.  


I can really rest easy knowing my mom is taken care of when I'm away. 


I have always surrounded myself in the Catholic religion. I choose to be around it because of mom. Because I can see how much joy it brings her. Also how much she gives each day to God. 


She also gives my bringing out the baddest (meaning good) looking pig for her guests. 


Strangely enough, this is my turkey as well. One hot steaming, crunchy pig. Steam was coming inside of the pig's body from being cooked a few hours before the party. The church priest was the first to cut into the gift. 


The festivities ended with a joyful sound of a birthday song for my mom.

She told me a few days ago, "You know I can't believe I'm turning 60."

Crap. I can't believe I forgot.

I bought a mango cake at Red Ribbon just for safe measures the day of her housewarming party.  

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She didn't know I would do this. 

(This time I'm not taking the pictures. The boyfriend handled my moments)

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She didn't know I would be holding a birthday cake. 

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What a wonderful moment for my Mom and I share.

To be honest I was scared to get smoke in my face. 

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It's a moment I'll never forget.

Because to me, this moment feels like what God must be all about. 

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Sonya PaclobComment