Mobile Journalism - The Frist Center for the Visual Arts Center

Imagination Inspired Through Interactive Exhibition from Sonya Paclob on Vimeo.

A red dragon meets a young fellow with a nice slacks at the lake and invites him to a lake party. The imagination sparked at the stop motion station by Darian Dilorenzo, 4.

The Martin ArtQuest is the proud permeant and interactive exhibition at the Frist Center. With at least 21 hand-on activities, the center invites of all ages with imagination and curiosity for art.



















What is new in journalism? Mobile Journalism. I went to Nashville, TN, for a week for training by Chips Quinn Scholar Program at the Freedom Forum Institute. The multimedia training prepares scholars on their upcoming internship in hopes for minorities to diverse the newsroom. 

One of the assignments issued by Val Hoepneer, Director of Education at the Freedom Forum Institute, was the mobile assignment. Our task was to use the iphone touch to video, photograph, interview, and edit with the small device. 

 The video above was edited with the Slice app. Here is a quick tutorial of what Slice app can do

Another app I used was Pano. The app was able to capture a panorama of my location. Here are examples of the Frist Center outside and inside. 

Pano does a great job in stitchingthe photographs together, but as you can see in the S in Expression can slightly be off. The slice and the Pano apps are more tools for journalist to use on the go. Quick and fast, but it will never replace original storytelling.